Hi there! Welcome to my corner of this big noise we created. I am A and I am an artist based in London. In short, I write stuff.

I write poems, songs, prose, stories, lyrics and the list would go on and on. I love how language and its words in the right order and shape can be so melodic and life changing. Think about a good quote you read. It was probably about 1 sentence made up of 5-6 words and look at the impact it can make.

I think of my writings as safe spaces for the truth humans experience. I gather inspiration from every day life and our collective and individual experiences. Favorite subjects include - love, relationships, digital world, cooking, dating, hyper connectivity - and many more. Please explore the site and share any of the poetry or music that touched or moved you. Thank you for finding my world and I hope to see you again soon.

When not lost in thought and realms of creation, I teach yoga in-person and online. Feel free to explore these pages.

If you would like to stay in touch, please follow me on my socials.

- A

Photo Credits go out to the amazingly talented Anetta Siffer!

Please check her out as well @anettasiffer